Workers’ compensation may not be your only relief after an accident

| Jun 2, 2020 | Third Party Claims

Were you hurt in an accident at work? Most of the time, workers’ compensation claims provide injured employees with the medical care that they need to recover from their injuries. They can also draw some kind of replacement income while they are unable to work.

But what about a situation where workers’ comp just isn’t enough to cover all your needs? If your injuries are severe, you may be facing a lifetime of medical issues and no chance of returning to work. In many cases, workers’ comp will fall far short, failing to adequately meet your financial needs. That may leave you without the means to support yourself or your family.

However, workers’ comp may not be your only option. Many times, workplace injuries can give rise to what’s called a “third-party claim,” which is a personal injury lawsuit in civil court outside of the workers’ comp system. These are possible in a number of different situations, including times when:

  • A defective piece of machinery breaks and injures you
  • A maintenance company fails to adequately repair a machine that later injures you
  • A badly designed piece of equipment poses an unreasonable danger to users
  • A driver hits you while you are working at a roadside construction site
  • While on the job, you get involved in a motor vehicle accident caused by another party

It’s difficult to know if you have a viable third-party claim after a workplace accident without the help of an experienced legal advocate. Focus on your immediate medical needs first. Then, speak with a personal injury attorney to understand all the possible avenues for financial recovery.


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